Mis à jour le 19.06.2015 Informations légales


Actualité : Is-sur-Tille : une visite hommage à Marcelle Cahn

"My first spacial-mobile dates from 1961.In fact at first it was a relief-collage. I had made it with small lateral panels which moved and I showed it to Honegger who was passionately fond of this thing ; he took it away and then brought it back to me on a small pedestal." (1)

A ‘spacial-mobile’ is a construction in space, a model for a sculpture, a "constructive abstraction", an abstract sculpture which opens up space and solicits the imagination of the spectator.

This is what Daniel Abadie writes about it :

"… the entire work becomes relief ; each element no longer participates in animation but rather in the creation of the surface : colours, relief ,the articulation of planes, all work together to do away with the notion of background inherent to paintings. The artist’s work becomes an intense speculation about all the shapes, the positions, the shadows, the interactions as well as the foreseeable movement of the spectator…It is in this way that these signal-works show how deeply related they are to architecture and reveal their secret ambition : to surpass individual art and open up to the town, to invent a space and make it liveable." (2)

During Marcelle Cahn’s lifetime, two of her spacial-mobiles were reproduced as sculptures with the help of Gottfried Honegger and Serge Lemoine within the framework of the government project "1% of government establishments".

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(1) Autobiographical narrative by Marcelle Cahn published in the catalogue edited in 1972 for the travelling exhibition of Marcelle Cahn’s work, organized by the National Center for Contemporary Art.

(2) Marcelle Cahn’s spaces’ published in the Catalogue edited for the travelling exhibition of Marcelle Cahn’s work by the Fine Arts Museum of Dijon, 1972.

A self-guided walking tour "In the footsteps of Marcelle Cahn in Strasbourg" Click here. The booklet "Rencontres avec Marcelle Cahn" is published. Click here
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